Tuesday, September 17, 2019


I regret starting my software

It's something that i never thought about

It's a complete accident that I never thought about it after I've been kicked out from the first e-commerce business

I always wondered what if I sold courses teaching people how to do proper e-commerce using my experience during the past 7 years,
as a matter of fact, I gained crazy insights by being in China and dealing with the logistics industry and Taobao sellers

I might make millions of dollars by just selling a course for $997 for 1000 person

That's one million dollars in cash instead of charging stupid $29 a month and writing code at 1 am

Perhaps maybe I'm an introverted guy and don't like attention

I rarely talk

Heck I regret having a YouTube channel and exposing myself

I'm stuck now and there is no way back

But I will continue because I have no choice

As the Chinese saying goes:


if you ride a tiger, it's hard to get off

Monday, September 16, 2019

My mom is not proud of me

She doesn't understand what I do

She doesn't understand me

She doesn't like the idea of settling down in China and leave Australia

She doesn't like seeing me getting off career path with years of gaps in my resume

She wants to see me play it safe without struggling and stressing

She wants me to have a good life

She wants me to find a good wife

She always sends msgs on Facebook asking about me and I always tell her I'm good which I'm not

She doesn't understand why I ask people to pay me $29 monthly if they can build the same software by themselves or download it online ( steal it)

She doesn't know that I worked 18 hours a day in the past two years with no day off

You see my mom is an old lady but despite all of this I love her so much

She carries me 9 months and raised me when I was a kid

fed me when I was hungry and protected me when I was scared

She is willing to sacrifice her life for her son

The only person who cares about you is your mom even if she hates she still loves you

It hurts to see that the closest people are against you

but they do this because they love you

So what to do my friend?

Just tell them that "I want to try" and that's it, don't justify or explain everything

Just say"I want to try"

My mom was acting based on her instinct to protect her little child from this nasty world

Never ever bites the hand that fed you

My mom doesn't speak English so she won't see my blog

I love you mom

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Avoid attention

I've seen many companies in my space doing big launch, they do stupid shit and attract so much attention and biz words like:

Changing the industry
We are the best
We are going to change the world
We are a team of 100 people

etc bullshit

They tend to have a lot of money to burn and hire

They are what I call "VC boys"

They started for the wrong reasons and they usually hire unnecessary staff to show off how big they are

Of course, they had the money to burn

They all have one goal, they want to take the market leader down

This is so stupid, the market leader is the leader for a reason

The problem is that a lot of them have a mediocre product with no meaningful differentiation and what worst they sell it for free so they can burn even more money.

Competing on price is a loser strategy who had no confidence in his product.

A one-man company with a great product can take them down all.

On the contrary, the best companies tend to be overlooked and very small.

They start with few customers and from there they get big

They usually stay away from unwanted attention especially the market leaders.

The more time they get the more momentum they had the more it's hard to catch up with them

The best way to take the market leader down is not to compete with them at all

You need to pick another game and set rules for this game otherwise you will be forced to play by market leader rules

Keep your mouth shut and move under the radar

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Who's the boss here?

Before a couple of months a salesman enters our office, he seems a sales rep from some manufacturers in China.

The guy was wondering who to speak to? 

I was sitting at the floor like a dog packing merchants orders (I enjoy doing it)

So he asked, "who's the boss here"? 

My team puzzles and had no idea what to answer.

To be honest, I've structured my company in a flat way,  we don't have a boss and we all work together as friends.

Sure I've founded the company but I never made myself a boss or call myself CEO

I always tell my employees, this is your business and if you don't do a good job none of us will get paid.

Despite that, I have a dominant personality but I honestly never enjoy managing people and acting bossy so I just treat them as my friends and put my trust on them

I've learned a lot from Chinese: Work hard and stop focusing on bullshit.

We don't even know what is CEO means, nor COO, CMO, etc. I don't even have a business card

Perhaps we still a small company and that's good.

Wow I've never seen a white man before

Before a couple of years, I went to my friend Tim hometown in China ( he now works for my software company).

His hometown where he grows up, I consider it as a village.

Most young Chinese people work at City but they origin from specific areas in China

One of his old relatives saw me and was shocked.

I asked Tim what's wrong with this man?

As I understand he never saw a white man in his entire life, he only saw a white man on TV

He started to touch my golden hair and look at my green eyes

I became a good friend with this old man

Chinese, people hospitality towards guests are incredible

Some Chinese suggest to put me in a zoo while this seems insulting to me but I know they are kidding

In some areas in China (undeveloped areas) you will be the centre of attention if you are a white man, some people will try to take sneaky photos using their phone

Honestly, it doesn't bother me because I know their intentions are good.

Chinese are just curious about me, they will ask me do you love China? Do you like Chinese food? Do you have any girlfriend? How much money do you make? Why you are not married?

All of this considered rude in Australia, but believe me, it's very normal here and people don't mean anything bad. They are just very good heart simple people

Friday, September 13, 2019

Leave it

The last text from my girlfriend was "You are a crazy madman"

I don't blame her, I've put my goals as my top priority after my mom.

She was at the bottom of my priority

At that time I was fairly young trying to unfuck myself with nothing going in my life

As a man, you need to put your goals above everything else

You are a man, aren't you? A man should be ambitious as hell and chase his goals even if they are in China

Women will drop you the moment you lose your job or stop providing for them

Women want security so don't blame them

That's why 80% of women compete for the top 20% guys, those men are handsome, rich, driven, ambitious, highly educated

Women love men who are selfish and going after their goals

Stop being needy

Women wants a man busy chasing his dreams

She wants to join your journey

She wants to enter your world not you entering her world

Stop chasing women and you will find them waiting for you at the finish line

The last thing, if your women are great and supporting you during a hard time then make sure to keep her because this woman is very rare and you just found a unicorn

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Start from the bottom

Don't start from the middle or the top

Start from the bottom


Because you will reach the top much faster than anyone else

All the people who are at the middle or at the top are content and lazy

Starting from the bottom will fuel your energy to the top because that's the reason you started in the first place

The only thing that it will take so much time so you need to give the reality sometime to catch up with you

Learn how to control your emotions

I can't stress how important this skill.

Never make a decision based on emotions.

Cool the fuck down and then take the decision.

I've made so many mistakes because of this issue.

Of course, you can't control yourself but man its really worth thinking about the consequences of this emotion that will literally drag you down.

So the first things you should do

-Keep your mouth shut
-Immediately isolated yourself
-Think think think think

Time will cool down those burning emotions

Now all you need is to wait until the logical decision popups in your head

You need two things to succeed

Only two things

1- Tolerate the pain for a long time
2- Master the ability of being alone

If you can't do those two things it will be hard for you to achieve great things but why? 

Because it's lonely at the top

Everyone is against you

The odds are against you

The government
The society
Your competitors
Your friends
Your girlfriend

All of those are shitting on you and you will be a lone wolf fighting

You will end up lonely questioning yourself if you are a madman

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Talent is not enough

Let me tell you something:

Never fear the talent

Never fear the smartest guy

Never fear fancy resume

Never fear the big guy

Never fear the guy with a degree

And I can go on and on.

But who you should fear?

The people who " Never stop"

They never fucking stop

They " Hustle"

They know that they are not smart

They know that their skills are limited and they need to catch up and outwork everyone in their niche.

If you work 8 hours a day they will work 24 hours a day to outwork you

They are always " What next? "

They know that there is no short-cut and this shit will take a decade to master it

I don't give a fuck if you are the best developer or the best creative tech guy !!

Because if you are not willing to outwork and have a passion, then you gonna get beaten by someone
who is not good and definitely doesn't have the talent you have but they are going to make more money and create more opportunities than you.

It's a game of hustle

Somebody is gonna outwork you in your niche.

If you don't start putting the work and the hustle you are going to lose.
And companies that don't care will be beaten by a small startup who care more and if you think just because you have a better website design or better functionality you gonna win? You're not.

hustler knows that his effort will pay off, unlike the people who think that "They know it all", the hustler will always beat their own teachers, keep iterate, reinventing the game until it works.