Tuesday, September 17, 2019


I regret starting my software

It's something that i never thought about

It's a complete accident that I never thought about it after I've been kicked out from the first e-commerce business

I always wondered what if I sold courses teaching people how to do proper e-commerce using my experience during the past 7 years,
as a matter of fact, I gained crazy insights by being in China and dealing with the logistics industry and Taobao sellers

I might make millions of dollars by just selling a course for $997 for 1000 person

That's one million dollars in cash instead of charging stupid $29 a month and writing code at 1 am

Perhaps maybe I'm an introverted guy and don't like attention

I rarely talk

Heck I regret having a YouTube channel and exposing myself

I'm stuck now and there is no way back

But I will continue because I have no choice

As the Chinese saying goes:


if you ride a tiger, it's hard to get off