Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Talent is not enough

Let me tell you something:

Never fear the talent

Never fear the smartest guy

Never fear fancy resume

Never fear the big guy

Never fear the guy with a degree

And I can go on and on.

But who you should fear?

The people who " Never stop"

They never fucking stop

They " Hustle"

They know that they are not smart

They know that their skills are limited and they need to catch up and outwork everyone in their niche.

If you work 8 hours a day they will work 24 hours a day to outwork you

They are always " What next? "

They know that there is no short-cut and this shit will take a decade to master it

I don't give a fuck if you are the best developer or the best creative tech guy !!

Because if you are not willing to outwork and have a passion, then you gonna get beaten by someone
who is not good and definitely doesn't have the talent you have but they are going to make more money and create more opportunities than you.

It's a game of hustle

Somebody is gonna outwork you in your niche.

If you don't start putting the work and the hustle you are going to lose.
And companies that don't care will be beaten by a small startup who care more and if you think just because you have a better website design or better functionality you gonna win? You're not.

hustler knows that his effort will pay off, unlike the people who think that "They know it all", the hustler will always beat their own teachers, keep iterate, reinventing the game until it works.